From train station Wien Westbahnhof ca. 3 min
From train station Wien Meidling ca. 5 min
From train station Wien Hauptbahnhof ca.15 min
From train station Wien Franz Josef Bahnhof ca.25 min
From metro station Erdberg ca.20 min
From the airport ca.35 min
From Stephansplatz ca.15 min
by coach
by car


How do I get from Westbahnhof to Westend City Hostel?

Long distance trains from the west of Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slowakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine stop here.

From “Westbahnhof“ (about 3 min):
Leave the main hall of the Westbahnhof and cross the main road « Gürtel » towards
« Innere Mariahilferstraße » (towards city centre). On the „Christian Broda Platz“ take the first right onto « Millergasse », then the first left onto « Fügergasse ».

How do I get from Trainstation „Wien Meidling » to Westend City Hostel?

Trains from Italy, Prague, Budapest and Slovenia
– U6 to „Westbahnhof » (about 5 min)

– leave the main hall of the U6-Westbahnhof
– and cross the main road « Gürtel »
– towards « Innere Mariahilferstraße » (towards city centre)
– on the « Christian-Broda-Platz » take the first right onto Millergasse
– then the first left onto Fügergasse

How do I get from Wien Hauptbahnhof to Westend City Hostel?

This will take you about 15 minutes. Take the tram line 6 or 18 to Westbahnhof. Across the road there is a big shopping street, Innere-Mariahilferstraße. Take the first right onto Millergasse, then the first left- Fügergasse.

The « Hauptbahnhof » or main railway station is still under construction. Currently only regional trains from the eastern railway stop there.

or get off at Trainstation « Wien Meidling » and take metro Nr.  U6 to Westbahnhof (about 5 min).


How do I get from Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof to Westend City Hostel?

This will take you about 25 minutes. Take the tram No. 5 to Westbahnhof (terminal station). Accros the road there is a big shopping street, Innere-Mariahilferstraße. Take the first right onto Millergasse, then the first left – Fügergasse.

How do I get from Vienna International Bus terminal « Erdberg » to Westend City Hostel?

This will take you about 20 minutes. The underground line U3 takes you directly to Westbahnhof. Use the exit « Innere Mariahilferstraße. Take the first right onto Millergasse, then the first left -Fügergasse.

How do I get from the airport to Westend City Hostel?

This will take you about 35 minutes. From the airport there are buses departing in
30-minute intervals going to Westbahnhof. Across the road there is a big shopping street, Innere-Mariahilferstraße. Take the first right onto Millergasse, then the first left -Fügergasse.

How do I get from Stephansplatz (St Stephen’s Cathedral) to Westend City Hostel?

This will take you about 15 minutes. The underground line U3 takes you directly to Westbahnhof. Use the exit « Innere Mariahilferstraße. Take the first right onto Millergasse, then the first left -Fügergasse.

Is there a parking site for coaches near-by?

The nearest one is at Gaudenzdorfer Gürtel Street. The prices are as follows:
1 hour 16 EUR
24 hours available in Hostel for 36 EUR max.
over night (20-8) 20 EUR

How do I get to Westend City Hostel by car? Where can I park my car?

Go from Mariahilfer Gürtel Street to Gumpendorfer Straße, then left to Millergasse. The last street on the right side is Fügergasse.

We can provide you with 24-hour-tickets in an underground parking near-by for 18,90 EUR. On Sundays and general holidays parking is free throughout Vienna.